Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fuck Google Ad words

Ok, this is the last straw. Not only does Google ad words pay less then any program I have ever been involved with, but they are the only one I have problems login into the account as well. Now since they pay jack and shit, I only log in about every six months. Each time it takes several days worth of emails back and forth fighting and arguing with Google extremely rude tech support.

None of this ever happens with anything other then Google. I am starting to wonder why this is? Could this be Google starting to be evil? What would happen if they could make several million websites not able to log into their accounts? What would happen? How much money could Google keep for themselves? It has been made clear that Google is an advertising company. This evil tactic would be a great way to increase profits.

Well, I say fuck Google and fuck Ad words! I am switching to Amazon for my back up advertiser when my ad rep doesn't sell ad space. How much will I loose by just forgetting this account ever existed? Not sure, but at the rate Google pays it might even be a full dollar! Did I mention Google can go fuck themselves? Oh, and yes I know the irony of posting this on a system that Google controls. I hope they see this and maybe they will make it more easy for publishers to log in. It's too late to get me back, but maybe it will help others.

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