Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is it just me or is Jose Mangin the biggest poser douche in #metal journalism?


rockofages1969 said...

Dude is a grade a douch bag he practically sucks people off for gigs and pretends like he's in tight with all these bands especially pantera and when Vinnie Paul was in the studio on sirius 40 liquid metal you could tell how annoyed he was with this poser mangin just makes him self look like a giant groupie on a weekly basis

Unknown said...

He's allright, although one time he started screaming along to some metal instrumental between songs and I have to say it was pretty bad ass. I mean he is a dj somewhat so he's got to exaggerate his own personality to sell it. I can totally see where you think he's annoying, but I mean come on, most people into metal are half retarded and would suck on the radio. Hes not perfect, but he can at least speak proper English.

Unknown said...

I am not really a fan. He does not seem to like doom, prog or several other sub genres. These genres don't often get airplay. I would like to hear more variety like Ian Christie plays. The game show he does needs to tone down the sound effects they sound like an idiotic morning zoo radio show. Generally needs to tone down his persona as he comes off a bit like Rickie Rachman 2 the quickening.

Unknown said...

Definitely the biggest annoying doosh ever. Talks like a filthy mouth teenager trying to be cool and adds fuck in between every word possible. No respect for that guy. Giant wanna be. No real metal fan calls themselves a "metal head" hahaha. Fag

Unknown said...

yeah makes the word fuck seem uncool, he's a total yard shouldn't be allowed near a microphone making metal and Sirius XM look bad

Unknown said...

1000% fuck mangin and his stupidity. Vinnie Paul would be Laughing at him for wasting his time restoring his limo and he's just a cringy poser wearing Pantera logos like bling, I wish Phil would go white wine on his stupid ass.

Don said...

I thought I might be the only one who thought anything about him negatively. When I first got SiriusXM and started listening to liquid metal I didn’t mind him but just his over the top way he talks and everything just kinda wore on me. Acting like he’s every musicians best friend he interviews and it just sounds super cheesy. I could tell Dave Mustaine was annoyed with him when he suggested that he never could have produced Rust In Peace without being under the influence of drugs which he quickly replied yeah it would have. I just he could take some cues from Ian Christy and come off as knowledgeable and authentic.

SenseiNYC said...

Without question.