So I was just noticing that they are going to pit the show 24 against the show Heroes next week. Why would you pit two geek type shows against each other? Are they trying to encourage us to just download all our shows and watch them without commercials? Don’t they need those commercials to pay for the shows production costs? Now in the old world I would have tagged the dead horse known as 24 as beaten and just watched the much more exciting and new Heroes. In the world of things like bit torrent, Juice, &, I just say screw the retarded tv executives. I will just download both of them. I am even getting to the point where I might disconnect my Direct TV. Partly in hopes that I don’t have to see those horridly annoying Hugesnet commercials with that bimbo that tries to win you over by talking down to you. Mostly because I am just tired of the whole TV industry and how out of touch they seem to be.
I know that there is a reason given as to why they pit shows with the same fan base against each other, but their reason just shows how out of touch they are. I was told that it was in some vain hope that they would kill the other show and win all the viewers. Ask the RIAA or the MPAA how that kind of arrogance works out. They may have some information for you TV executives. In the end you either loose half the time, half the audience, or everyone just gets further into downloading everything as I am starting to do more and more often.
Now here is the worst part of this trend the industry is pushing us all into. Many of the shows get the green light because the suits consider the ‘backend’ profits along with the money made from advertising. This means DVD sales. Now if we already have the shows burned to DVD the day they are broadcast, why would we buy the full package? Now for me, I much prefer the full packages to the burned copies of anything. It just looks better on the shelf when company comes over. Plus it seems to stay around longer. The problem is that you have this younger generation that does not think that way. They are being trained by retarded TV executives, ignorant movie studios, and clueless record companies to download everything. They encourage this behavior by making the legal version as inconvenient as possible. As with the other two arms of the entertainment octopus, it is the industry that is teaching these kids to just download it. The legal version is always plagued with DRM and the illegal version is able to be used on all our devices. The illegal version doesn’t have commercials. The illegal version doesn’t make us choose between one show or the other. With the illegal version we can watch both and not take sides in their stupid pissing contest at all. Will they wake up before they destroy themselves? Sadly I doubt it.
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